Hello, Internet. I am so deliciously interesting that I thought my opinions and general weirdness should be available to a wider audience. I cannot bring myself to torture my friends with essays posted on Facebook, so I choose to torment strangers worldwide. And maybe some friends, if they will be so kind.
What am I going to write about? Well me, of course; this is an online diary of sorts, yes? A public forum for my unbridled narcissism. Hopefully, it can also be a place to talk honestly about motherhood (I'm a newbie at this homemaker thing - I didn't even know what "SAHM" meant until recently), my Catholic faith and some of the "edgier" things I practice like NFP and wearing a veil, food and cooking, and in time - fitness! I had meticulously created a blog, YouTube channel, and Facebook account for my prenatal fitness posts and videos. It was going to be EPIC. And then.... I started feeling too pregnant to go through with it! Not that I'm not staying active, I just need to wrap my head around full-time motherhood, homemaking, living 3,000 miles away from family for the first time, and growing another little boy.
I have several friends who have exclaimed in surprise ("Egads!") when they find out I'm Catholic. I get comments like, "but you seem pretty normal", "I took you for a total liberal!", or, "I thought you liked having fun". Not sure if this is good or bad. Maybe a little bit of both. Maybe I'm like a Catholic mole; I can sneak in and spy on the heathens and then - BLAMMO - come out with some crazy statement like, "nah, I can't grab a burger with you today, it's meatless Friday!", or, "How many kids are we having? We're leaving our family size up to God. Have you heard of NFP?"
I have also made "Church friends" who might be surprised to know that I like anime and manga, listen to the Beastie Boys and enjoy weight lifting. Some have even expressed surprise that our family uses NFP, when only "fire, flood, famine, or war" are acceptable impediments to procreation. And then some happy NFP users who were chaste before marriage and at least outwardly appear reconciled to the method might think me weird for complaining that I sometimes HATE practicing NFP.
Are you intrigued? I know, I'm rather captivating.
I'm going to make a list, for all my diverse groups of friends and acquaintances (and random creeps on the web!), that pretty much sums me up:
I'm a bit of a revert to Catholicism. I got a pretty namby
pamby "Jesus loves you, c'mon get happeeeeee!" CCD formation, and with
relativism came restlessness, bad mistakes, and regret. Luckily I had a few good teachers and great parents who talked
straight on Church teaching, which got me MAD. Anger led to searching
for answers, reading, knowledge of self, and reversion. Still a work in
I love being married. My husband is awesome! He
lets me stay at home, he works his butt off for us, and he's really hot.
And he's really good at NFP charting.
I love being a
mommy. I did not like children as a little girl, nor did I play "house"
with baby dolls or plan my wedding from the crib. I liked computer
games, action figures, comic books, wearing boys' clothing, and being left the heck alone. Then I
started dating my husband and I suddenly wanted to have babies. His babies.
It was the most mind-blowing and truly feminine/feminist thing to ever happen to
my worldview. Then we decided that I should stay at home after working
for two years following my son's birth. I'm loving that, too, though
some days it's a mixed bag of feelings.
I'm obsessed with exercise. Used to be in a bad way; I try to keep up with my education so I can use fitness for good and not evil.
I'm obsessed with food. Also used to be in a very bad way; My husband helped me become a better cook so I could enjoy food and appreciate wholesome ingredients. Now he has to deal with spelt cakes and flourless muffins. And my need to buy coconut oil in a tub from Costco every few months.
I'm not a great writer. But you know that by now. And you know not to start sentences with "and" or "but". Elementary.
Next time.....I elaborate on my obsessions!